Photo: Ed and Aileen Photography

Photo: Ed and Aileen Photography

Friends, it's finally here. I've been wanting to do a campaign that celebrates being a Latina for Click For Hope for a long time.

Why?!? Well for lots of reasons.

Growing up I personally struggled with being Puerto Rican and Mexican. Comment after comment, I wrestled with my cultural identity. I couldn't quite figure out where I fit in the world. Since I'm not fluent in Spanish, I wasn't fully accepted by my Latino community...I'd hear comments like, "You're so white," or "You speak like a Gringa." And then I found I didn't quite fit in with the my white friends as I was too tan, with brown hair, and a funny accent. I could go on and on with the comments, but that's not the point of this post.

A few years ago, God walked me through a journey of finding pride within myself, and my culture. I share that part of my story HERE. God has been healing me by uprooting every single lie that I've believed about myself, and planting me with so much truth.

So I thought how amazing could it be to put a campaign together featuring as many latinas as possible on my blog along with their stories: the good, the hard, and fun parts. And so friends starting tomorrow at 8pm, I will be showcasing a new lady for you to meet, and to read her story.

My hope through this campaign is to help bring an awareness to just how diverse we are, and we can't be put in a box. While the words "Latina" and "Hispanic" are man made words that come with assumptions and stereotypes, we are so much more than that. We have a lot of offer, and in fact our voices matter!

I hope you are inspired by these stories! I hope you are open to asking yourself if their are any biases, stereotypes, assumptions, within yourself that need to be surrendered. I hope you can see us through a different lens, than what you were told, or assumed.

So friends, follow along with me these next 30 days, and read the stories of these ladies who share themselves so beautifully!!!


Lopez Family-092.jpg

Friends, remember when I shared there were other offers on the table when we bought the firehouse. Well, what happens when one of those offers is your friend?!? When the ideas you have for the space are the same? 

Watch my next IGTV video where I interview my friend Rebecca, as we share this part of the story in buying the Firehouse that could have brought so much division, but instead it brought closer together.



Hey Guys, it's Jeremy here! A few weekends ago I had the privilege of leading worship at The Crossing (the in St. Louis and it was such a great experience! Before I left for St. Louis I was connected to Kenny DeShields, a worship arts director at The Crossing, and after one phone conversation it felt like we had known each other for years. I felt an immediate spiritual connection and before ever actually even meeting Kenny I asked if he’d be down to worship together for my next cover video! Honestly, I had not ever even heard Kenny sing so it was definitely a risk, HAHAHA! Well, my intuition wasn’t wrong and this is one of my favorite videos.

We set up at this really cool graffiti wall right near the St. Louis arch and river bridge and worshipped as the sun began to set. Here’s our cover of one of our favorite songs “ Do It Again” by Elevation Worship. I’m so grateful for Kenny’s heart, his beautiful family, and excited to see all that God is doing in his life and at The Crossing. We hope you enjoy our cover and follow Kenny at (kenny


Lopez Family-060.jpg

I don't know about you, but I've wrestled with the very idea of "Who am I?", and "What's my purpose in this world?" I have memories as a kid where I would stare strangely at my arms, as I moved it around, and wiggled my fingers back and forth. I've wondered how is it that with an inhale and exhale, I'm alive. I didn't know that every bad thing that I experienced as child, was going to try to stop me from achieving my full potential....or become all that God had designed me to be.

You see, I've been on this journey of healing....not the physical kind of healing....well, kind of. But more the emotional kind of healing. I've been chatting with a professional for over a year, and through her I'm experiencing such freedom in my thoughts, and in who I've believed I am.

I'm learning that my dad leaving our family before I was born played a greater part in my emotional health than I thought. Abandonment has a way of rewiring the brain to think, believe, and process life in ways that was not originally intended for us. Friends, don't miss this. God's original intent was not for us to experience disease, pain, suffering, absent parents, abuse and more.

Now allow me to clarify, I've had an amazing healing process of reconciliation with my dad. My dad is present in my life now. But friends, the long term of effects of abandonment are in fact still present. I'm talking about my core beliefs. What I believe to be true about myself. Which was hard for me to admit, but after my first session with my therapist, she said," Well, I think it's best that we dig deeper into your abandonment." I looked at her confused, as I didn't understand how that was an ongoing issue. Now 18 months later, I do.

So how does one find healing?

Well, for me I've been doing what's called inner child healing! I'm learning to connect with my little girl, and see how she's feeling, and with someone who has used dissociation as a way to cope with life is no easy task.

Here's the 3 steps I use when I'm having all the feels, also known as triggers.


Step 1. What am I feeling?

When I'm triggered (having all the feels), I take a moment to pause and ask myself, "What am I feeling?" This is when I take the time to connect with my inner self, my little girl. At first, she didn't feel really safe to share herself with me. But now, it's almost instant that I can know what is actually going on with me. Why? Because the more I get healed, the more she gets developed and can process things in a way that's much healthier. When your inner self helps you to see what you're feeling....

Step 2. Identify the lie!

It's going to reveal a lie.

For example, yesterday we found out our budget for the firehouse has doubled, with all the extra work that needs to get done in order to get the building up to code. This overwhelming feeling of being suffocated overcame me, and I immediately began to feel anxiety. I asked myself, "What's going on. What am I feeling?" You see, in the past I would have binged on food, which I'm not going to lie, I wanted to do that last night. But now I'm learning how to cope with my real feelings. So, I stopped what I was doing, and immediately connected with myself to identify the lies, I"m always going to be broke. Our finances will never be enough. I'm always going to be in debt." flooded my mind. You see at my core, I believe that I will never amount to anything. I won't be successful, that all of my peers will but me. This is called "Failure to Achieve" according to Schema Therapy.

Step 3. Ask Jesus, "Is this lie true? Is this what you have for me, or how you see me?"

Friends, this next part is so crucial, because it's not just identifying the lie that's going to bring healing, it's asking Jesus to come into the lie, where He can reveal the truth for and over you. Scripture describes the enemy as the Father of Liars. And if he's the father of liars, then God is the father of truth.

For example, when I was able to identify my lie, I asked him is this lie true? And immediately he spoke John 10:10 to me, "A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."

I may have cried a little.

Why? What does this mean?

Well, I'm able to now see that my broken childhood was the way the enemy tried to destroy all of who God made me to be, and all that he put inside of me when I was being formed in my mother's womb. The enemy tried to kill my identity, and my dreams by feeding me so many lies that I believe are truth, but really aren't.

My worth, and success isn't tied to my bank account, it's not based on where I fall on the economic social ladder. And God is definitely not out to get me or make my life more difficult. He wants nothing but good for me, and for all of us. He wants nothing more than to give us every single dream of ours and make it a reality, more than we can ever have imagined or dreamed of. Friends, this is the truth!!!

I pray that in the moments where you find yourself triggered, or having all the feels, that you would connect with yourself on a deeper level, find the lie, and let the truth flood in such a way that you sense nothing but love from our heavenly father.

 I pray that you would be wrecked by His perfect love. That you would walk through your own emotional healing journey in whatever way that looks, and know that every piece of your story can be turned around, and reformatted for something good. Your past does not dictate your future. Your mistakes doesn't make you a failure. Your brokenness does not make you unworthy!

Until next time,




Hey guys, it's Jeremy, and I'm excited to share this new music video with you. I must admit it's been a bit of a crazy season for us the last couple of months with moving and getting settled. I’m also almost fully recovered from my terrifying car accident that happened back in May, and we’ve been busier than ever with our mobile photo booth business, but I’m ready to get back into sharing these songs with you regularly. 

This song is near to my heart because it’s an original song! One of the most beautiful reflections in our faith is that of communion. We take the opportunity to pause and reflect on what really is the cornerstone of our faith; that Jesus gave his life so we could live in the freedom of mercy and grace. This song is a reminder that when Jesus made this sacrifice, all of heaven rejoiced because by the power of the Cross, now and forever, Christ the king had won. He won the battle against fear, sorrow, shame, and pain. I hope this serves as a reminder for you of that beautiful truth.


“When your blood poured out,
Lord it poured out mercy,
As your body broke,
You were breaking Chains”


maywood, IL firehouse

I'm so excited to share how we got the firehouse with you guys! It's a story full of pure craziness, but through it all, I'm able to see how God was with us since the beginning of the process. If you don't know what THE FIREHOUSE DREAM is, I highly recommend you read this blog post first!



1. The seller of the firehouse accepted our offer...even though we weren't the highest bid.

2. Our lender approved our loan even though the Firehouse was so unique. They have to hold the loan for the full 30years....which banks very rarely do that, if ever!

3. Our house sold for 1k over our asking price.

4. Our house appraised higher than our selling pricing.

5. Our house gained thousands of dollars in equity, only after living in it for a little more than a year, and that's with us doing no updates to it. It's what allowed us to have the money we needed to buy the Firehouse.

6. Since we sold our house over our asking price, we were able to buy beds for the girls, and a few other things.

7. God revealed so many lies that I believed about myself that He wants to bring freedom to!


Be sure to watch the video to hear the full story!

Friends, I hope that you are inspired by our story. How our yes, and open hands created space for God to show up, and provided opportunities for Him to blow our minds. He really is a BIG God, and can not be limited in how He wants to provide, show us how much we are loved, and so much more.

Until next time,



Piano: Craigslist $0 (found in the free section) | Console: Found in alley $0 | Blanket Ladder: Target Clearance $20 | Sliding barn door hardware: Amazon $169.90

Piano: Craigslist $0 (found in the free section) | Console: Found in alley $0 | Blanket Ladder: Target Clearance $20 | Sliding barn door hardware: Amazon $169.90

Hey friends! Today I want to share 8 ways you can style your home on a super tight budget. You may not know this about me, but I love interior design/decorating, and was so close to studying it in college. I kind of wish I did, but God knows all things. We've designed our budget around what brings us the most joy. So buying furniture or home goods doesn't have a high priority in our budget. Finding that rhythm in designing a space that feels authentic to us, but also not hurting our bank account is something I long to be mindful of when decorating our space.

Also, as I shared in the last blog post, we lost everything back in 2009, which taught us so much about our possessions and really freed us to know that our worth and identity isn't based on what we have. So for us, we don't have a desire to buy certain brands or top of the line products, not because we don't see the value in it, but because it's not what brings us joy, so it's not something we feel the need to have. And that's brought such a sense of freedom to us.

We also have chosen to live minimally and really only purchase what will serve a purpose to our family and home. Now this is our home that we just moved out of 2 months ago, and I will have to show you guys what our current design looks like in the Firehouse....but first I have to take photos! haha! Until then....


Ikea : Clearance $37 Ikea: FAUX sheepskin: Clearance $7

Ikea : Clearance $37 Ikea: FAUX sheepskin: Clearance $7


I am obsessed with Target, and Ikea's clearance section. Oh and we can't forget IKEA's as-is section too. We have found some really great pieces for 50% off or more. I'm at Target all the time and love all their home goods, so when I find something that's on clearance, I ask myself, does this fit in our home? What purpose will it serve? If I can answer these 2 questions, then I'll go ahead and buy it. I'm also a pillow queen who loves buying pillows on clearance....haha!

Dresser: Thrifted $50 | Bed: Craigslist $60 | Mirror: Thrifted $10 | Deer Art: Hobby Lobby $20

Dresser: Thrifted $50 | Bed: Craigslist $60 | Mirror: Thrifted $10 | Deer Art: Hobby Lobby $20


I have always been a thrifter since my teenage years. When we lost everything, we needed to rebuild, so we thrifted everything, or found it on Craigslist. We were able to purchase everything with cash as we went, without getting into debt. I think when you can mix in some thrifted pieces with new pieces, it really creates a cohesive space, and you'd never really know what was thrifted or not. And because the pieces of furniture we bought were solid wood, we have most of them today. If the pieces you purchased aren't a color you enjoy, you can always paint it. Another place to check out are garage sales. I feel garage sales are where you can find the best deals, and you can always negotiate the prices too.

Craigslist: Piano $0 (found in the free section!)

Craigslist: Piano $0 (found in the free section!)


We love Craigslist! It's where we have found some really cool furniture, like couches, our bed, and even this piano, which Jeremy found in the free cool is that?!? The free section is usually "first to come, gets it," so you have to be ready to figure out how to pick it up, but you can find some really neat pieces of furniture this way.

Couch: VCF $399 | Rug: From a friend $0 | blanket ladder: Target $20 | HOPE sign : handmade less than $20

Couch: VCF $399 | Rug: From a friend $0 | blanket ladder: Target $20 | HOPE sign : handmade less than $20


Art can be really pricey, and quite the investment. One day, I'd love to buy some fancy art, but until then, we made some of our own. It's a way to be creative, and to create something that is one of a kind, and that no one else will have. We've also made art by using our family photos, and adding a bible verse on it. It's simple, and is also a great reminder of who we are as a family. It makes looking at if really special, and brings back such great memories.

Couch: VCF $399 | Rug: From a friend $0 | Yellow Chair: Thrifted $20 Wicker Table: Ikea: AS-IS $35

Couch: VCF $399 | Rug: From a friend $0 | Yellow Chair: Thrifted $20 Wicker Table: Ikea: AS-IS $35


Check in with your friends, sometimes they are in the process of moving or selling old pieces. Sometimes they are even willing to give it to you free, if you just go and pick it up, that's how we got that rug.

Couch: VCF $399

Couch: VCF $399


When we were on a hunt for a new table and couch, we had a very minimal budget. So we went to Value City Furniture (VCF) and bought a simple couch for our living room, that happened to be on sale for $399. Which was a perfect price point for us. And if you don't love the legs, know that you can always swap them out to get the look you are hoping for. After the couch we saved up to buy a new dining room table, and again it was on sale for $250. We bought our chairs and bench separately giving our dining room that custom look we wanted, but yet again at a super affordable cost.

KET-merchantile: Macrame $0 Dresser: Thrifted $50 | Bed: craigslist $60

KET-merchantile: Macrame $0 Dresser: Thrifted $50 | Bed: craigslist $60


If you have a skill-set where you can barter with someone who makes a product that you love, I encourage you to reach out and ask them if they'd like to collaborate or barter. For example, my macrame friend was interested in me teaching her how to photograph her own content. So I told her I'd barter with her for a one-on-one mentoring session in exchange for a macrame piece, and she agreed. Our collaboration was so much fun, and now I have one of custom pieces forever!

Hammock: $99

Hammock: $99


And lastly, I love purchasing products that give back, or have a great business ethic. This hammock is handmade in Nicaragua. The business is a social enterprise, which means that not only do they pay fair wages to their artisans, but also care about their social impact.



Friends, this is a super vulnerable post for me, because I've never shared this piece of our story publicly. I've been on a journey for the last 7 months to become financially well, and I've been feeling a pull to share more of our financial story, and what I'm learning. However, I felt like I couldn't fully share what I'm learning now, if you don't know the beginning.

So a long time ago....back in the 1980's and 90's....I was raised by a single mom. I saw her work several jobs in order to provide for us. The story I wrote was that you worked hard, to barely survive. As I grew up, I wrapped my identity around the belief that in order get out of this situation, I have to do things by my own power, like get a college degree, no matter the cost. In turn, I got myself into a ton of student loan 80K. To try to survive, I was deferring my loans, and before I knew it, it went up to 100k. There's a total God story in how it got paid off, but I'll have to share that another day.

Then I got married, and continued to lean into the lie of the American Dream, which meant having that cute house filled with brand new furniture, and a nice car no matter the cost. So we got into credit card debt, and a mortgage we couldn't afford. Before we knew it, months later, the housing market crashed. Friends we found ourselves being 1 of the 5 million that lost their homes.

Not only did we lose our home, but we lost most of our possessions due to a flood and mold, our car was also repossessed. We had nothing left!  My spirit was so broken, and I saw no way out. It was during that season where God taught us that possessions didn't matter, and that keeping up with the Jones' wasn't what He longed for us.

During this time we connected with a new church community, and they helped us get on our feet again. But old habits didn't go away. We didn't get into debt, but we weren't saving and didn't know how to budget. We found ourselves needing help too with LINK, and All Kids. Being on public aid was embarrassing, yet humbling experiences we ever walked through.

In 2014, we took a budget bootcamp at a new church community called Soul City Church. This was how we learned to save, budget, and set ourselves on a new trajectory. Before we knew it, we paid off Jeremy's remaining student loans, because remember, my student loan debt was paid off.

For the next 4yr years, my scarcity mindset would still be in control.  Even in the midst of that, God blessed us with a beautiful home in November 2016, that was a dollar less than our rent. This house was God redeeming everything we had lost in 2009, I called it our Year of Jubilee.

In December of 2017, we hit a super hard financial crisis due to my business not making income. I hit a deep depression, and wondered why this was still our story. God showed me that I hadn't done any form of healing, because at the core, I believed I was meant to live a life of struggle, that I would always be "the poor" among the land. I believed that everyone around me would succeed, but me. 


He wanted to free me of my scarity mindset. So that very same day, He partnered me with a financial coach, and she when we met she told me I had limited thinking. You guys, her words were hard to hear, but it took the scales off of my eyes. Something snapped in my brain. All this time I was limiting myself, and what God could do. Since then, I've begun a healing journey of diving deeper with God, and identifying what my true identity is in Him, like that I'm truly loved, wanted, and accepted by him. I'm his daughter, and as his daughter, he would take care of me, and provide for all of my needs: mentally, physically, spiritually, and more.

I can't say that I'm completely healed from my scarcity mindset, but I have coping skills to help me from spiraling down. And at my core, I'm starting to believe that my life won't always be a life of struggle. He's doing some deep hard work in me, and I'm excited to share what He's been teaching me. I have a gut feeling that I'm not the only one who believes these lies. Friends, He wants to set you free! He wants to show you just how special you are, how worthy you are, and how we can all experience His abundance, and no, I'm not talking prosperity gospel here. I'm talking about experiencing ALL that He promises for us.

I hope you'll journey along as I share more of what I've been learning these past several months, like how I'm shifting my mindset with Jesus and the help of my therapist, how exploring the prophetic has been a proponent to helping me heal (this feels super random but I promise it's not), how to look past my own brokenness, and see myself the way God see me, and others.

Well friends, thanks for reading this super long blog post, and for reading my story! I pray that you would experience the overwhelming consuming love of God this week, and know how amazing He thinks you are.

Until next time,




ed and aileen photography | lopez family

Friends, it's been a while since I've been able to do a weekly life lesson post! So I'm excited to share some lessons I've learned this week.

My 5 life lessons from this week

1. When I take the limitations off of what God is able to do, He shows up in BIG ways.

2. Sitting on the couch with a friend, and digging deep is something I genuinely love. I need to add some intentional time to have more time with those I call friend, and to truly value that time as a part of my work day.

3. In having a chronic illness, there will be good days, and then there will be bad days, like today, and that's okay.

4. I'm in a season of enjoying the opportunities to share my story on social media, and some podcasts. I sit in the truth of how He calls the unqualified.

5. To not be afraid to talk to strangers. It's through talking to someone I don't know when connections are made.


Jord Wooden Watch Minimal mom with daughter laughing

Friends, I'm so excited to share a new series where I will be sharing products that I love with you!

Today I'm sharing Jord Wood Watches. They offer so many great watch options for men and women. I especially love their minimal watch options, they are super unique! Be sure to read all the way to the end for a fun giveaway I'm doing with Jord.

3 reasons why I love my minimal wood watch!

1. It's super unique

I don't know if you know this about me, but I'm not really a girl who goes with the crowd. I've been eyeing some minimal watches for some time but wanted something unique and different. My watch fits the minimal feel, but also is super unique considering it's made out of wood. How cool is that?!?

Jord Watch on lady's wrist sitting in chair

2. It matches everything I wear

I'd like to think I'm super simple, you know a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, but when I'm working our vintage trailer photo booth for a wedding, and have to dress nice, my wooden watch coordinates well with my wedding attire.


Jord Wood Watch on kids wrist

3. It's kid friendly

As a mom to 3 girls, I can't seem to have nice things. Either because they break it or try to claim it as theirs. Over the past several weeks of doing mom life, it's looking as beautiful from when I first received it!



Well friends, that's it for today, but before I let you go, I wanted to share that I've partnered with Jord for a fun giveaway. They are giving a $100 gift code for any watch of your choice to one of my blog friends. All you have to do is enter here.

You can see all the women's watch options here.

And be sure to check out the men's collection too, they have some amazing options for your loved ones.

Until next time,
