mental health journey


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I don't know about you, but I've wrestled with the very idea of "Who am I?", and "What's my purpose in this world?" I have memories as a kid where I would stare strangely at my arms, as I moved it around, and wiggled my fingers back and forth. I've wondered how is it that with an inhale and exhale, I'm alive. I didn't know that every bad thing that I experienced as child, was going to try to stop me from achieving my full potential....or become all that God had designed me to be.

You see, I've been on this journey of healing....not the physical kind of healing....well, kind of. But more the emotional kind of healing. I've been chatting with a professional for over a year, and through her I'm experiencing such freedom in my thoughts, and in who I've believed I am.

I'm learning that my dad leaving our family before I was born played a greater part in my emotional health than I thought. Abandonment has a way of rewiring the brain to think, believe, and process life in ways that was not originally intended for us. Friends, don't miss this. God's original intent was not for us to experience disease, pain, suffering, absent parents, abuse and more.

Now allow me to clarify, I've had an amazing healing process of reconciliation with my dad. My dad is present in my life now. But friends, the long term of effects of abandonment are in fact still present. I'm talking about my core beliefs. What I believe to be true about myself. Which was hard for me to admit, but after my first session with my therapist, she said," Well, I think it's best that we dig deeper into your abandonment." I looked at her confused, as I didn't understand how that was an ongoing issue. Now 18 months later, I do.

So how does one find healing?

Well, for me I've been doing what's called inner child healing! I'm learning to connect with my little girl, and see how she's feeling, and with someone who has used dissociation as a way to cope with life is no easy task.

Here's the 3 steps I use when I'm having all the feels, also known as triggers.


Step 1. What am I feeling?

When I'm triggered (having all the feels), I take a moment to pause and ask myself, "What am I feeling?" This is when I take the time to connect with my inner self, my little girl. At first, she didn't feel really safe to share herself with me. But now, it's almost instant that I can know what is actually going on with me. Why? Because the more I get healed, the more she gets developed and can process things in a way that's much healthier. When your inner self helps you to see what you're feeling....

Step 2. Identify the lie!

It's going to reveal a lie.

For example, yesterday we found out our budget for the firehouse has doubled, with all the extra work that needs to get done in order to get the building up to code. This overwhelming feeling of being suffocated overcame me, and I immediately began to feel anxiety. I asked myself, "What's going on. What am I feeling?" You see, in the past I would have binged on food, which I'm not going to lie, I wanted to do that last night. But now I'm learning how to cope with my real feelings. So, I stopped what I was doing, and immediately connected with myself to identify the lies, I"m always going to be broke. Our finances will never be enough. I'm always going to be in debt." flooded my mind. You see at my core, I believe that I will never amount to anything. I won't be successful, that all of my peers will but me. This is called "Failure to Achieve" according to Schema Therapy.

Step 3. Ask Jesus, "Is this lie true? Is this what you have for me, or how you see me?"

Friends, this next part is so crucial, because it's not just identifying the lie that's going to bring healing, it's asking Jesus to come into the lie, where He can reveal the truth for and over you. Scripture describes the enemy as the Father of Liars. And if he's the father of liars, then God is the father of truth.

For example, when I was able to identify my lie, I asked him is this lie true? And immediately he spoke John 10:10 to me, "A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."

I may have cried a little.

Why? What does this mean?

Well, I'm able to now see that my broken childhood was the way the enemy tried to destroy all of who God made me to be, and all that he put inside of me when I was being formed in my mother's womb. The enemy tried to kill my identity, and my dreams by feeding me so many lies that I believe are truth, but really aren't.

My worth, and success isn't tied to my bank account, it's not based on where I fall on the economic social ladder. And God is definitely not out to get me or make my life more difficult. He wants nothing but good for me, and for all of us. He wants nothing more than to give us every single dream of ours and make it a reality, more than we can ever have imagined or dreamed of. Friends, this is the truth!!!

I pray that in the moments where you find yourself triggered, or having all the feels, that you would connect with yourself on a deeper level, find the lie, and let the truth flood in such a way that you sense nothing but love from our heavenly father.

 I pray that you would be wrecked by His perfect love. That you would walk through your own emotional healing journey in whatever way that looks, and know that every piece of your story can be turned around, and reformatted for something good. Your past does not dictate your future. Your mistakes doesn't make you a failure. Your brokenness does not make you unworthy!

Until next time,




Friends, yesterday I had my therapy session, and it was so good. I'm finding such freedom and healing, and this past week, God has just been revealing such truth to me, and for my family which is so opposite of how I felt last week.

My session ended with my therapist saying, "I see a bridge. And on the other side, it's your destiny. In the middle of the bridge is your adult-self, and at the start of the bridge, is your little girl. I would like for your adult self to begin to prophesy to your little girl all that you see that's in your destiny. Can you do that?"

I instantly said yes, and now as I'm typing this, there's such excitement for me to open myself up to see what God shares with me. I'll be sure to share it with you too.

If you didn't know, or are new to following me, I've been on a mental health journey for over a year now. We've been doing some hard inner child healing work, where I've been able to identify the lies I've been believing about myself for all these years, like how I'm not good or worthy of good things happening to me. That everyone else around me is meant to succeed but not me. That I'm suppose to live a hard life, and so much more. All of these lies stem from being abandoned, and being taken advantage of as a small kid. But God....he is not only healing me, but taking such ugliness, and perversion, and is making something new and purposeful out of it. Even as I type this I feel a confidence in who I am as a daughter of God.

I share all this, because I don't want to keep it to myself. I long to share what I'm learning through my sessions, so that it would encourage or inspire you to take the steps to talking to someone professionally, especially if you've been feeling that nudge to do it, but fear or the unknown has stopped you. Or maybe begin to open the door to exploring what your story is. Maybe there's some pieces that you've hidden or haven't shared with anyone before because of shame or guilt.

I'm sharing this because I want you to find freedom, joy, and belonging in a way you've been searching but just can't seem to put your finger on it.

I'm sharing this because man, life is HARD! And we can't do it fact we weren't created to. You, my friend, are so deeply loved, wanted, and accepted.

I end with this, He can't heal what we don't own! Our stories matter to the heart of God. He wants to take all of what you have experienced, and begin to reveal truth,  and partner with you in fulfilling your God given purpose.

Okay friends, that's it for today!

Until next time!!!




Friends, I'm so excited, not because it's Monday, but because we've entered a new season in our home, and who doesn't love new seasons right?!? My big girls started summer camp today, which means for the first time in 10yrs of doing the mom thing, I'm excited to have some dedicated work, and me time. I'm hoping to meditate/pray more, actually start a workout regimen, and plan how we want to continue to grow our business and platform. 

To be honest, past week was an extremely hard one for us as we are navigating treatment for our daughter who is going through a mental health journey. I felt so helpless, and unsure of how to help her. There's been lots of tears, and heartache but today friends, I woke up inspired, encouraged, and ready to just fight this good fight. To show up, and love on her the best I know how.

Today was also a big day for me, as I was interviewed on a podcast called: The Dreamers and Doer Podcast hosted by Breeane Johnson. This is now my 2nd interview, and while I'm very much a total newbie to this thing called "podcasting," I'm honored to share my story, and to see how God is taking ALL that was meant for bad and using it for His good. 

I've always wrestled with the lies that I'm not a speaker or a writer, but God keeps showing me glimpses of how he wants to bring light to the world with my story. And let me be completely honest, that scares me a ton. I wonder how He could use me, someone use struggles to get my words out, stumbles over my words, and more. But out of obedience, I'm choosing to put myself out there. To try, to mess up along the way, and to stand up when I fall, and try again. Friends, I want to be faithful in the small. I want to know that in "my small," I allowed myself the opportunity to grow, gain confidence in myself, and so much more.

So, I end with can you start with the small? In what ways can you say yes to God? What's He been asking you to do, but haven't because of fear, scarcity, or feeling unequipped. I pray that this week, you would take one small step toward that thing He's asking of you!

Well friends, that's it for today! Until next time, may you be wrecked by the love of our Heavenly Father. May you know just how special you are, and how He longs to speak and share all the dreams He has for you!





Oh my goodness friends...I can't believe it's been over a month since I've blogged. It's been a month filled with so much change for our family.  Like selling our home that we loved so much, and moving into a FIREHOUSE.

Wait, but didn't you just move into your other home?!?

Yes...friends, God worked a crazy miracle. I'll be blogging the long version of the story, but the short story is we decided to go after a crazy opportunity in buying a firehouse...where it can be used for our budding business, but also so I can have a space to give back to the community by teaching creative skillsets to the young adults. This dream is one that the Lord had been whispering into my ear since last May...and friends He did it!

So we have been living in the firehouse for over 2 weeks now, and we are loving it! We just had our family photo shoot, and can't wait to share them with you.

Anyways, it's definitely a change for our family. Meaning, the girls now share a room, and we have to climb lots of stairs to get into the living space, and more! But we are excited for all that God wants to do through this space!

So friends, I hope you will journey along as we renovate, get settled in, and share more of our hearts with you authentically....which is the whole reason why we started our brand!

We want to show up, be real, and help others to be encouraged and inspired through sharing our stories!

So while our new home is so much fun, and such an amazing opportunity. I have to share we are walking through a hard mental health journey. Not only for myself but for our daughter. We are hopeful, and cling onto the truth that He is with and for us! I'll share more of my personal journey another time as I hate to make this blog post too long, but know that everyday is a battle. A battle in my mind. To take every lie captive, and to remind myself that I'm called, so deeply loved, and so much more.

Until next time friends!
