celebrating 2018



Friends, it’s a new year, and I’m 10 days late….that’s okay right?!? Let’s be honest getting back into the swing of work can be challenging sometimes, let alone getting back into blogging. Anyways, can we celebrate for minute?!?! Authentic Adventure Co. is officially one year old, and friends we have had so many great things happen in 2018 that I wanted to share a few of them with you!!!

  1. We sold our home and bought a Firehouse for our business and a Non-profit was are starting.

  2. DK won 1st place in a singing competition…how cool is that?!?

  3. We shared so many amazing #Clickforhope stories you guys. 32 to be exact!!!

  4. Jeremy traveled to St. Louis several times to lead worship at The Crossing.

  5. We took 2 family trips.

  6. Our photobooth business was a part of 28 weddings and events!

  7. I traveled alone for the first time ever!

  8. We started a non-profit and are still waiting for approval!

  9. Jeremy traveled to Atlanta for a Film client.

  10. Jeremy and Dakota’s first Youtube song went viral, now with over half a million views!!!

Friends, 2018 was such an exciting year for us, and it’s been nothing but a pure joy to share it with you, all the high’s and low’s of life, marriage, family, while going after our callings. We are excited for what 2019 will bring, and our hands are open for all that comes along.

My greatest lesson from 2018 was getting more rooted in my identity as a daughter of God, and truly believing that his love, grace and more are for me!!!

So friends, that’s it for now. I pray that you would know how real the father’s love is for you!!!

Until next time,
