latina strong

Inspiring Latina | Dr. Lopez


What does being a Latina mean to you?:

Being a Latina means power beyond measure. It means fighting for what is right and never giving up. Being a Latina is who I am.

Share your movement, business, non-profit, dream, with us::

I envision a world where finances aren’t a stumbling block for individuals who aspire to attain higher education. For this reason I’ve started a non profit scholarship foundation, where students with financial need can apply to receive aid. This program will also provide students with mentorship opportunities throughout their educational journey, to help them reach their academic goals.

What inspired you to start your movement, business, non-profit, dream, etc.:

Potential in individuals inspires me. While I was in college, I too, needed a role model and financial assistance. And when it wasn’t there, it was hard. I saw a lot of my peers quit along the way due to the same struggles. Now as a professor, I see this happen too often and it breaks my heart. If we all do a small part, we can help someone achieve their dreams.

What are some preconceived notions/stereotypes that you've faced in your business, movement, non-profit, etc?:

Growing up I didn’t have anyone that looked like me in college or in positions of power. So the message I received was, people who look like me aren’t smart or they do not go to college. I am not a statistic. One reason I wear my hair curly most of the time it’s to show people that women who look like me do in fact earn doctoral degrees.

Are you a US citizen? If not, could you share what your experience has been being an immigrant, and the process of becoming a US citizen, resident, etc.:

I’m a US citizen. Although, I came to the states against my will. My mom brought us over really young and it was very hard. There’s a misconception that individuals who have citizenship should be content because we don’t go through what individuals who aren’t go through. Never would I compare it to such levels. However, I have suffered ramifications of becoming a resident of a city and culture I was not accustomed too. I was bullied and told to go back to Mexico, and may I remind you I’m Puerto Rican. The whole situation is sad.

If we could just recognize that as human beings we are going to suffer and we for this reason should stick together and fight for what is right for everyone. We wouldn’t go through so much.

If you ask me, we are all immigrants.

What are some of your aspirations for Latinos?

That all Latinx are educated to levels where they are placed in positions of power. My aspirations are that we change the paradigm in this country. We are the largest community. Then let us be the Largest educated community in the United States of America.

Is there something else you'd like to say or add?:

I would like to say that it is in the collective that we can make this world a better place. Collaboration is key in change!



What does being a Latina mean to you?

Para mi ser Latina tiene el significado de ser un ser humano lleno de creatividad, honestidad, sacrificio, inteligencia, sabor, tradición, cultura, costumbres, sazón, amor por los demás y entrega total.
No sabía de este orgulloso apellido hasta que llegué a este país.

Share a struggle you have faced being a Latina.

Todos los posibles, vivía en una burbuja en mi querido México. Allá no tenía color de piel, tenía amigos, familia, amor, hombros sobre los que llorar sin citas, visitas de amigos sin horario con espontaneidad, así como somos los latinos, siempre teniendo una mano amiga, un familiar que te echa la mano cuando lo necesitas.
Ignoraba ser una “POC”, creía que la discriminación racial eran cuentos de televisión.
Aquí vine a conocer el lado profundo de la soledad, de las lágrimas que nadie escucha ni son secadas por nadie. Esas palabras que solo puedas expresar en una relación virtual, en fotos que se comparten y que nunca demuestran la tristeza y los sufrimientos que se padecen detrás de esas sonrisas de tu familia, las que quieres guardar para siempre, a las que te aferras para no caer y tomar fuerzas.

Share something you love about being a Latina?

Ser creativa, dar sin esperar nada a cambio, mi corazón, la honestidad de mi mente y alma, aprender día a día de todos y de todo. Salir adelante no importando la circunstancia u obstáculo que se me presente.

What do you identify as? Mexicana

Where you born in the states? If not, could you share what your experience has been being an immigrant, and the process of becoming a US citizen, resident, etc.

Mi proceso ha sido, Gracias a Dios, fluido y coherente. Siempre cumpliendo con los requerimientos legales.

How have you been able to celebrate and honor your american nationality, while embracing your heritage and culture?

Creo que el rechazo de todos los trabajos a los que he aplicado (solo llevo 4 años aquí, mis estudios son en México) me han hecho sacar la casta. No me canso de hacer lo que sea. He donado mi talento en las artes gráficas a algunas asociaciones sin fines de lucro, sé tejer crochet vendiendo en ferias, hago joyería en piel y con piedras preciosas. Nada me detiene. Ahora pertenezco a un grupo de Mamis Latinas donde comparto mi conocimiento y mi talento, pero la mejor parte es que aprendo mucho de ellas.

Do you speak spanish? Yes, fluently.

Have you experienced colorism, or not being fully accepted by your community? Like you're too dark, or too white, etc.

Si, mis hijas fueron rechazadas por los vecinos de nuestro condominio, tengo una beba de 2 años y les molesta que sus pasitos correlones hagan ruido. Nos insultaron y llamaron a la policía también.
Tantas historias que escribiría todo un libro.

Is there something else you'd like to say or add?:

Leí sobre ustedes y no cabe duda que la mano de Dios nuestro Señor está con ustedes. Me encanta encontrar personas así “Latinísimas”.


Photo Credit: Neil Broere

Photo Credit: Neil Broere

What does being a Latina mean to you?:

Loaded question. First thing that pops in my head: FAMILY. I never apologize for where my family and I have come from. I use to deal with a lot of shame because my parents were Latino and poor - I’m talking WIC cheese, food stamps and jumping rope with roaches. They were also not very educated, but as I became older, I began to embrace the fact that they gave me and my siblings EVERYTHING they had and they taught us the best they knew how. And regardless of what they had, they were never ever ashamed of being Latino.

Share a struggle you have faced being a Latina.:

Probably trying to measure up to OTHER LATINAS. I mean, I think this can go across the board with women in general, but as a Latina, I have caught myself in the past being so extra with the comparison and completely getting lost in my insecurities. (Have you seen JLo?) Today, I am SO grateful for how God made me. There is no Latina that’s the same. We are all beautiful and unique. There is no Maritza like me - My husband can attest to that! Ha!

Share something you love about being a Latina?:

Our hospitality. If you came to my house, you would know. (Yes, you’re invited!) There is just something about serving and cooking up some Latin food to those who come over. It’s a place where they can be themselves, kick back in a recliner, laugh lightheartedly, maybe watch a movie together and enjoy something that speaks to their soul...and belly! Oh and don't forget the café con leche.

What do you identify as?: Puerto Rican

Where you born in the states?: Born in Chicago.

How have you been able to celebrate and honor your American nationality, while embracing your heritage and culture?:

This one can be tricky. Only because Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the US. Sometimes people can take for granted the island where we come from because of the privileges we possess. I have never had to deal with visas, passports and converting dollars whenever traveling to and from Puerto Rico. I’m grateful for that convenience, as little as it may seem. (I have traveled to other places that require it and it can be a nightmare.) I honor that relationship between being American and fully Latina. I don’t have to dumb down my heritage. I am grateful. I pray I never stop being just that: grateful.

Do you speak spanish?: Yes, somewhere between fluent and broken.

Have you experienced colorism, or not being fully accepted by your community: Definitely! Most of my siblings are dark Latinos. Me on the other hand, am pretty fair complexion. (My friends growing up would equate me to being transparent, LOL it’s okay, I laugh about it now). So I have been written off for not being dark enough. So much so I would be dying for summer to burn me to a crisp - bad idea! But over time, my color didn’t matter unfortunately. My curly frizzy hair or slight Latin accent was enough to label me uneducated, uncivilized or just good enough to be the “help”. All of it is very humbling. It taught me to treat people the way I wanted to be treated - which is like gold and full of purpose.

Is there something else you'd like to say or add?: I wish all cultures, not just Latinos, would embrace where God strategically placed them in the culture they were born into. We can all learn from each other’s culture. Not one of us have life figured out.