
So it's been quite the journey these past few weeks, after Jeremy's car accident that included 2 visits to the ER, doctor's appointments, delayed dreams, and thousands lost. I've learned a ton from my imperfect life.

So friends here's what I've learned over the past few weeks:

1. Expect the unexpected.

2. I'm learning to not take everything so personal.

3. Friends really do show up. If it wasn't the encouraging texts and emails, we had friends come and help us clean our house for our appraisal, paint the trailer, bring dinner, and so much more. We have never felt so loved and supported. I'm forever grateful for everyone who loved on us so well!

4. While talk therapy doesn't work for everyone, it works for me! My therapist rocks, and knows how to help me get out of my downward spiral.

5. I still haven't learned to like celery juice and that's totally okay....haha! (if you don't know what I'm talking about check out my insta highlights under "My health."

6. The missing link to fulfilling purpose is Godly Community. I watched a preaching on this and it wrecked me!

7. I thrive off of one on ones. I'm realizing how much I need it. Togetherness does something in me from the inside out.

8. My girls have the coolest bond. It was so cool to witness the fruit of teaching them how to celebrate one another versus comparing.

9. As a thinker my greatest struggle is trust. I'm walking through a learning season of trusting, especially what I can't see.

10. Going after a God dream is scary as heck!!!! There's many unknowns, but there's also an anticipation in me to see what's going to happen!