Inspiring Latina | Clarybelle


What does being a Latina mean to you?:

Being a Latina for me means being strong, uniquely beautiful, and full of life.

We are strong because we endure many obstacles, but with our Latina sangre, we overcome them.

We are family strong, because we balance the household and family together, with our emotional strength. Latina’s are uniquely beautiful because we come in different shapes, colors and sizes.

We are full of life because God’s light shines on us.

Share your movement, business, non-profit, dream, with us::

“A Beautiful Project” is a faith based organization. We are about volunteer work and providing educational workshops around the Chicagoland area. Our goal is to grow spiritually and get involved. We want to teach young women to give back to their communities.

What inspired you to start your movement, businss, non-profit, dream, etc.:

I began my #womenhood journey when I was 16 years old, it started off as a beauty blog. Then at 21, God planted a seed in my heart of service. My younger sister Suzzy and I ( Both Prom Queen Alumni’s ) decided to give back to our high school and donate prom dresses to teens in need. Later in 2017, we created a foundation “A Beautiful Project” to inspire young women to get involved in the community with us and grow spiritually. We believe that providing a nurturing environment can help young people reach their highest potential.

What are some preconceived notions/stereotypes that you've faced in your business, movement, non-profit, etc?:

The things I’ve faced having a community oriented organization is dealing with the lack of support from other women in the same field. I’d love for all of us to come together and make a difference in the world, but I guess not everyone rolls like that. It’s sad to say but many women don’t like to support each other. I want to help break this curse!

Who are some of your Latinx inspirations?:

My Puerto Rican mother Maribel Lopez and Grandmother Marisela Melecio. They have both paved the way for my family and I to achieve our goals and to be proud of who we are! They’re the real hero’s in my life.

Is there something else you'd like to say or add?:

My ultimate passion in life is to serve in the community and teach young women to believe in themselves, no matter where you come from. God made you with a purpose.